
I am sick. like really sick. I started running a fever on Friday, and now four days later, it is still going strong. Thankfully I believe in drugs. I’ve been drinking this tylenol sore throat stuff like it is candy, and it has kept me going. However, I wish I could stay in bed and […]

Boys, Boys, Boys

Well as you could guess, this blog is going to be about boys… Paul and I ended at the beginning of this week, but that was definitely a good thing. He was a negative person, and he was never going to make time for me. I think he had some growing up to do. Then […]

Pictures from my trip

I went home last weekend, because I won’t see my family for the holidays and because I wanted to go to an LSU football (my little brother is on team! I’m soo proud of him!!!). Here are some pictures from the game!Me and my little sister Me and my mom Me and Holly at the […]

Need help!!

There is a song I hear every time I go out to clubs/bars, but I can’t figure out who sings it! I think it is a duet with a guy and a girl, but I only remember what the girl sings. She just repeats “oh Hallelujah. my baby.” over and over again. DOES ANYBODY KNOW […]

Lessons in anger

If I had to name this chapter in my life, I definitely have to say it is “learning to deal with anger”. As I’ve mentioned before, I use to be a carpet, which basically meant holding in anger. And anyone who’s studied psychology, depression is caused by holding in anger, because you turn it inward; […]