Meet My Cousin: Eric

Dear Uncle Tommy and Aunt Carolyn- Just wanted to send you a little note to say thank you for always caring about me. I know I don’t call as much as I should, but I love getting to see y’all when you come to Grandma’s. I’m so excited that you want to visit me in […]

Life Update: Angry 2.0

Dear siblings- After you read the devotional, I need to explain something very important… I know every family has some level of dysfunction, but ours seems more ridiculous because we all claim to be Christians. Instead of doing things the way we always have, how about if we try something new? Let’s talk openly about […]

Life update part 2: family

I didn’t expect to be writing again so soon, but I can’t sleep… This topic is probably the main reason that I want to come back to blogging. family drama! (where are the emojis to add visual effects to my writing) GAH! So, first the update, we could not be more diverse or different in […]